
Information and disclosure in accordance with §5 (1) of the E-Commerce Act (ECG), § 25 of the Media Act, § 63 of the Trade, Commerce, and Industry Regulation Act (GewO), and § 14 of the Commercial Code (UGB)

Company name
eSENSEial Data Science GmbH
Roseggerstraße 12
8700 Leoben
Phone: +43 3842 42576
Authorized managing director
Michael Habacher
Company register number
485017 k, Commercial Court of Leoben
VAT identification number (UID)
ATU72969834Copy to clipboard
D-U-N-S number
Bank details
Steiermärkische Sparkasse
IBAN AT02 2081 5000 4189 9832Copy to clipboard
BIC/SWIFT STSPAT2GXXXCopy to clipboard
Member of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ)
Member of the Professional Association for Management Consulting, Accounting, and Information Technology (UBIT)

Supervisory authority
District administration of Leoben

Applicable trade or professional regulations
Trade, Commerce, and Industry Regulation Act:

Online dispute resolution
Consumers domiciled in Austria or any other contracting state of the ODR Regulation (ODR-VO) have the possibility to resolve issues regarding the purchase of goods or services through an online dispute resolution process (according to OS, AStG). The European Commission provides a platform for this: You may also submit your complaint directly to us via the email address provided above.

This website and its contents are protected by copyright. Unless otherwise stated, the rights are held by eSENSEial Data Science GmbH. Any use, distribution, or modification of the provided materials is subject to the terms of use specified on this website (see

The operator of this website takes great care to respect the copyrights of third parties. Images and graphics are sourced from Adobe Stock and are licensed accordingly. The company logos used on this website belong to their respective owners. All rights to the logos are held by the respective companies. Their use is authorized and may be revoked at any time without prior notice. Some of the icons used on this website originate from the online platform Flaticon ( Their usage requires attribution to the source and respective authors. We fulfill this requirement with the following acknowledgment

Procedures icons created by Iconjam – Flaticon
Efficiency icons created by Indah Rusiati – Flaticon
Quality icons created by Uniconlabs – Flaticon
Maintenance icons created by Arkinasi – Flaticon
Interconnection icons created by LAFS – Flaticon
Report icons created by Freepik – Flaticon
Concept icons created by Skyclick – Flaticon
Steel icons created by Smashicons – Flaticon
Material icons created by Uniconlabs – Flaticon
Geotechnical icons created by Three musketeers – Flaticon